This is the fifth of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Harry is in his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Lord Voldemort is also back with greater powers.
One of the film's major showcases is Harry's hearing at the Ministry of Magic for the use of magic in the presence of a muggle, particularly Dudley. Potter actually comjured the Patronus curse to defend him and Dudley to ward off the Dementors who attacked them in a tunnel. This scene didn't really come out as horrible as what is described in the book. Of course it is understandable that not everything in the book shall be included.
My friends and I are fortunate to catch the flick on iMAX at the Mall of Asia, with more than 20 minutes of scenes on 3D. I guess that was the only rewarding part, being able to see the awaited Voldemort-Harry battle right in front of you.
Aside from Sirius Black, who was not given much exposure (hmp!), I find the character of Dolores Umbridge really cute. Those who know me will say right away the reason for this. Her PINK outfits are fashionable and her girlish voice has this commanding quality that viewers will find really annoying.
Overall, although Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix may not be the best film of the year, it still is "awfully" good and entertaining.
Three stars for you Harry!